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The Company was awarded for providing logistics services to Bulgarian companies on the domestic and international markets. The prize was handed to the Manager Mr. Stoyan Dimitrov. The ceremony was attended by many representatives of the administration and business industry in Burgas.

“In MIRAMAR, we make sure that our clients achieve their goals quickly, and that the work goes smoothly and cost-effectively. I am glad that our services contribute to the work of the Bulgarian exporters and supports their economic development.”

The sculpture “Impulse” made by the sculptor Atanas Stoyanov from Burgas was chosen as an expression of the distinction.

The 2018 event clearly demonstrates good economic environment and increased market activity.

Като израз на наградата бе избрана пластиката „Порив“ на бургаския скулптор Атанас Стоянов.

Наградите за 2018 ясно показват добър стопански климат и повишена пазарна активност.